Pet Rules
Now that it appears spring might actually be here, it’s time for walks out side with our pets. NOT ALL OF OUR COMPLEXES ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE PETS. Just wanted to remind everyone that is allowed to have pets to make sure you always keep them on a leash. The pets cannot be allowed to be outside on a chain or running loose. Also please make sure when you go for your walks that you take a bag with you to pick up after them. We want people to be able to use their yards without worrying about whether unwanted dog droppings are present. And please to be sure to pick up in your own yards so the lawn care companies can perform their duties.
Having a pet can be an enjoyable experience, but let’s make sure your neighbors who do not have them can enjoy spring and the outdoors as well. As always, any questions contact Excel at the office number.
Thanks, and enjoy your walks.